Monday, May 28, 2007

This Course Is Crazy!

i needed some help with my final assignment for MEC3469 and decided to visit Dr. Chong's office. timing was perfect as he was just getting back from lunch. his door was ajar as i reached his office and did the usual knocking on the door and waiting for a reply, just to be polite.

i realized that he wasn't responding and i was thinking that he's insane to think that he can evade my questions by pretending he's not in when his door was ajar! so i decided to push the door open a little and there it was i saw this!
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wtf was he doing you ask? well if you analyze the picture, you'll notice his shirt is sorta bloated with air. this is because he was standing in front of the fan with his shirt open to cool off! hahah! damn blardy funny man. this lecturer already has two posts on my blog regarding his behaviour. more funny ones to come hopefully.

after that he saw me then he buttoned up his shirt as he walked towards his desk. here's the conversation that ensued.

chong: i've actually got a class at 1, so i need to eat my lunch now actually.
nickteh: just a quick question sir...wah sir, very hot ar today?
chong: *flutters his shirt to fan himself* yes yes, it's quite hot today actually.
nickteh: anyway, sir, how do you get a gantt chart from such little data? (boring stuff regarding assignment question here).
chong: actually, this course is crazy i tell you! *waves arms frantically*
nickteh and beat: *stunned*
chong: i'm also cracking my head for the second part. maybe i come up with something for you all is that right?
nickteh: er, ok la sir, you have your lunch first la.
chong: ok, bye bye.

i scamper of with beat, and in between her 'that old man is soooo cute!' i'm imitating him by saying, 'this course is crazy you know!' adding his famous 'huh huh huh!?!?' for added humour.

monash-ians, be proud of yourselves. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

L'Oreal of Goliath, Strikes Back With Chin-Ups!

been a while since anything interesting's happened. and i guess this post would sum-up the weeks happenings.

early this morning i was minding my own business around uni when this l'oreal promoter chick called 'amy' passed me a flyer that said, "5 minute free hair styling by our l'oreal stylist'. beat decided it'd be a good idea for me to go stylo-milo my hair up a little for fucks. as hessitant as i was, i went for it thinking 'hey, it can't be that bad right?'

so off i went to the promo tent and sat down wondering why the hell am i doing this. so i told the stylist 'whatever suits my head la'. she just looked at me and went on to squeeze the bottle of gel or whatever sticky substance that makes a farting sound when it comes out of a plastic bottle into the palm of her hands. she started to massage my head. hmm, this isn't so bad.

she tried to make my hair stand but it just wouldn't work. so she used more and more gel. then after a couple more squeezes from the bottle of gel, she decided to use the hairspray. lots of hairspray. beat came by and said to the stylist, 'stuborn hair hor?' the stylist replied 'ya, very stubborn' and i in the midst of breathing in all this hair-product fumes said 'yah, just like the owner of the hair' haha. the stylist having no sense of humour or maybe she was having her period or whatever just continued to poke at my hair. after failing to do so, she just tweaks it a little bit more she sends me off.

oh and also i got a face FULL OF BOOBS everytime she would massage my hair or try to make it stand. haha, so i guess it was worth my 5 minutes then.

after that one of the l'oreal guys wanted to take my picture for reference and all that bullshit. my pic turned out like crap needless to say.

and the end result:
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damn lousy la the results. oh well. here's that dreadfull tent.
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apparently, one of our engineering lecturers went and styled his hair after i did.

so later on, we visit wei hong, the goliath of foosball, pool and now (wtf) PING PONG! this fad is insane i tell you. so wei hong somehow is a magnet for midgets. take alex who was featured in the last post. something about these small people wanting to defeat bigger people. i call it the "David-and-Goliath Syndrome".
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timothy did manage to defeat wei hong. now, wei hong's ping and pong spirit is uneasy, but he shall ping today and pong tomorrow. whatever the hell that means.

i've set out to design and fabricate a wall mounted chin-up bar for myself (part of my 'spartan' workout thanks to the movie '300') so i decided to tryout the one that's at monash's hostel side. i thought i could do at least 10 pull-ups in a row but was i wrong. i managed to break up the work out into 3 sets of 3 reps each. mind you, under the hot afternoon sun. now i've got a basic idea of the correct height i should mount mine at and other technical stuff.
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finally, the one and only.
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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Ping Pong Fad?

is ping pong making a come back? well, it certainly seems so. at least in the monash student lounge. seems that people are just playing ping pong everytime now. and these same people, who are ever so familiar with the rules of MUSA, keep coming back asking if we have bats and balls for loan.

and the answer we give everytime is, "sorry no bats, bring your own balls." :D

and we'd usually get some guy who would laugh after we've said that but sometimes you get people with no sense of humour and instead stare cock at you like he got really offended by you saying 'balls' or something. some people nowadays. sigh.

so anyway, alex and wei hong have decided to join in the rest of the MUSA ping pong-ing crowd by buying their own bats and balls! they spent about RM30 for the bats and 3-star balls and a bag. quite a good deal but the rubber on the surface of the bat is very soft so you don't get much bounce of the ball. oh well, you get what you pay for.

the MUSA has got 3 ping pong tables and at any given time after 10 am, it's usually in use. except for the tournament table, butterfly brand or something. don't know. don't care. i'm not a ping pong fan myself (i'm not saying this because just because i suck at it).

so yeah, here's a modern day david and goliath pic.
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and here's wei hong after a surprise ammount of wins against the rest of us. what an ego booster for the big man.
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finally, here's the wei hong workout. a continuous animated gif that shows wei hong doing a very silly move that looks like he's doing some aerobic exercise.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Is That Right?

many would-be engineers in monash malaysia know who dr. chong kong ming is. many also are aware of his favourite phrases such as "is that right?", "huh?! huh?! huh?!", "this student is too much...", etc. there's just too many wierd nanyuk phrases that he blurts out.

anyway, he's currently teaching the last section for MEC3469 and what he does is, he just reads from the lecture slides. word for word. sentences stated on the slides such as "more of this will be elaborated in the next slide" is also uttered by our favourite old man.

as a result, people sleep. even i myself found it hard NOT to fall asleep before i took this picture.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Shell-Ferrari Promo Toys.

i've finally gotten them all. after 2 weeks of my dad and myself pumping shell and also with a little help from uncle terrence, i've got all 6 ferraris.

what am i talking about? well, shell is having a promo till the 30th of june 2007 or until stocks are finished of these little 2 speed hot wheels cars.

i felt that i might as well collect things ferrari since the laptop i'm using is a ferrari 4002, i've got 2 free oversized ferrari shirts and now i've got 9 un-opened ferrari-shell promo toys and 1 opened one that i decided to play with. trust me, it's as boring as a stick.

i hope in 30 years that these cars will be worth something.

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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Talk Of Propaganda.

please do not label this an offensive post. i will not judge. this is an issue i feel that i should bring forth so that the relevant authorities can look into the matter (if they see the need to).

while getting the putra's tires changed at SS3, i decided to stop by Syed's mamak for a quick lunch. i so happened sat facing a pillar that had this poster stuck on it:
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for those of you who don't understand what's stated in the poster. it's basically asking fellow muslims/malays i believe to boycott companies that apparently have helped/are helping the jews in israel. as most of you might know, the tension between the arabs and israelis started way before i was born. for more info, feel free to increase your knowledge regarding the Six-Day War over HERE.

so anyway, one thing led to another as i noticed that on the poster there was a website stated. however, that URL wasn't valid but a quick search on Google produced the actual website which is HERE.

now i've got nothing against there being such a group of people who are interested with the well-being of our fellow halal friends. but it's the discussions that go on IN the official forums of this website that is worrying. i do believe it is overlooked by most people because i don't think a chinese dude would browse through such a forum. anyway, feel free to look at the topics being discussed by members of the forum HERE. check out the site, you might find it an interesting read. i did.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Mind Your England.

since my usual diner is closed for today, parents decided to try this new place that one of my mum's friend was talking about. apparently she eats there everyday. so off we went and when my mum pointed out the shop, i told her that from past experiences, diners like this often serve shit food and charge kidney-selling prices for quark-sized servings. her reply, "if you don't try, you won't know."

the moment we stepped in, the ambience was crappy. but hey, you don't usually go for ambience at a chinese restaurant, you just wanna sit down, eat and talk as loud as you want. we were offered (4 of us) a rectangular table. the wooden kind that isn't seen at all in chinese restaurants cause usually you'll be ordering a variety of dishes and a rectangular table is just stupid due to the lack of space. we asked for 2 rectangular tables joined instead.

now to cut a long story short, the reason why i'm posting this is because of the menu. it was the only thing worth paying for really. *the food was so-so but the price was cut throat*

just click on the thumbnails and you'll see what i mean. pay attention to the highlighted words.

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Should be: 'steam', 'garupa', 'thai sauce' and 'pomfret'. don't know wtf 'sauce king is though.

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Sos is bahasa melayu. should be SAUCE!!! and 'steaw' should be 'stewed'.

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'sweet sour' -> 'sweet & sour'. 'bakend' -> 'baked'. 'oyster souce' anyone? and also 'slide ginger' the one and only drifting ginger.

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who'd want to eat 'sour pork'? means it's gone bad or something. 'fried with fillet'??? another D1 drifter, 'slide pork soft soup'. wtf is soft soup?!?! 'stim with 3 kind egg'...i also 'stim' already.

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'spinach with soup' -_-" two seperate dishes? 'binjal with salted and pork' should be 'salted brin-fucking-jal and pork'! brinjal=eggplant for ppl who don't know the coloqual term.

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'cantonies', a newly discovered chinese sect. 'fried pak koo' translates to 'fried china prostitute' doesn't it? and wtf is 'fried vedi'? i really don't know what vedi is. felt like i was at a mamak or something when i read that.

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the rest is pretty much self-explanatory.

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same shop, different menus, different error. JESUS H. CHRIST!!!
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hope you had fun. :D